Business Models
CimentArt Microcement offer different Business models adequate to any particular, professional of the area and companies.
Each Business model has been developed so you can adapt it to you situation, work or current business in a simple way. This business models have been developed from our personal experience put into practice on different cities and countries since the year 2009.
During all this years we have use the successful actions and taken off the one that did not gave us results, creating business models completely workable.
To achieve this, we have created a whole system of written documentation, where every question is answered and every correction for every mistake during the application has also been documented.
For this reason and because our accumulated experience we know and have complete certainty that every model listed here is workable.
We are happy to have you as part of our big CimentArt family.
We establish 4 different CimentArt business models:
1. Professional CimentArt
A CimentArt professional is that person that has received a CimentArt products training course by our technicians in any of our installations.
Once the training is completed, the individual is completely prepared to carry out its own construction work.
A supporting certificate on the Application of CimentArt Products will be delivered.
For more information about how to become a CimentArt professional please complete the following form.
2. CimentArt Delegations
A CimentArt Delegation is form by a professional or company that take responsibility of a certain geographical area or a city and has its own corporate website CimentArt.
A CimentArt delegation performs 3 business models: Training, Sales and the CimentArt Microcement application. For that purpose is necessary a space or office adecuated to stablish a showroom and a small area to perform the Products training.
A CimentArt delegation, aside from been able to do its own works, can create a sales network with Professionals of its own area and provide them with the material they demand. In this fashion, all the material sales of its influence area go through the CimentArt delegation.
We include on the CimentArt delegation:
- A license of sales, training and CimentArt products application.
- 30% of discount on the general sales price of all of our products.
- Corporate Website.
- Professional corporate email.
- CimentArt products kit of 100 m2 to create the Showroom.
- Sales and training course.
- CimentArt Products samples.
- CimentArt Products Catalogue.
- Technical assistance.
- Technical documentation.
To obtain more information about CimentArt delegations please complete the following form.
3. CimentArt Distribution Center (CDC)
A CimentArt Distribution Center is that professional or company that takes responsibility of the distribution and sales on one state, country or complete region of the CimentArt products, including the sales of CimentArt delegations on that state, country or complete region.
A CDC is characterized by:
- A Personalized and economical studies by CimentArt of the geographical area requested and a specific plan.
- It can have its own CimentArt delegation in its heart quarters.
- It performs training, sales and CimentArt Microcement application.
- Opening possibility and/or sales of new CimentArt Distribution and Delegations on its state or region. It takes responsibility for doing good future training.
- Delegates; Check their professionalism and manage the sales of the area.
All the purchases and sales of material by all clients of the geographical area go through the CDC.
For a CimentArt Distribution Center we include:
- Own center website.
- Stock CimentArt products (The amount depends on the country, state or region and the investment value)
- The possibility of sales to CimentArt Professionals
- The possibility of sales and/or openings of CimentArt Delegations.
- Professional corporate emails.
- CimentArt Products samples.
- CimentArt Products Catalogue.
- Technical assistance.
- Technical documentation.
- To obtain more information about CimentArt Distribution Center please complete the following form.
To obtain more information about CimentArt delegations please complete the following form.
4. CimentArt Organization
A CimentArt Organization is the complete mechanisms.
It performs from the manufacturing of the product to its final sales in all its influence area. A CimentArt organization manages the manufacturing and sales on a whole country or state, and all its professionals, delegations and CDCs.
It possess all the know-how from the most basic principles of manufacturing to the final sales, going thought all the processes and the CimentArt company org board.
For more information about the CimentArt please complete the following form.
To obtain more information about CimentArt delegations please complete the following form.