
Cookies policy

Microcement | Smooth cement > Cookies policy

Cookies policy

Cookies concept

The cookies are a tool use by the website servers to storage and recover information about its visitor and users. It isn’t more than a text file that some servers install during the web browsing and that make possible to know certain information as an example: the place from where is accessing the web site, time of networking, the devise use to access the website (landline or mobile), the operative system and browser used, the websites more visited, number of clicks done, data about the behavior of the user on the internet. These cookies do not provided references that allow the knowledge of the users name and last name and can’t read data of hard drive or include virus on the equipment. Additionally, the cookies implanted on the hard drive of the user of other servers.

Why are they important?

The website is accessible without the need of active cookies, even though its deactivation can prevent its right operation

From a technical view point the cookies allow the website to work better and adapted to the preferences of the users, as example storage the language, the currency of the country or detecting the kind of access devise.

They establish levels of protection and safety that prevents or make difficult cyber attacks against the website and its users.

Allows the media manager to know statistical data gathered to better the quality and the experience of the services.

They are useful to optimize the publicity that we show to the users, provided the one that fits more the interests.

Cookie use autorización

On the website there is a Cookies Note that the user or visitor can accept, expressly consisting to the use of the cookies as it’s indicated hereunder.

The user can configuration its browser to reject all the cookies or to receive a notice on the reception screen of each cookie and decide over its installation or not on its hard drive.

Browser configuration

CimentArt Microcement S.L. reminds its users that the use of the cookies can be subset to acceptation during the installation or actualization of the browser use by these.

This acceptation can be discharge by the option on content configuration and the available privacy on the same. The titleholder recommends to his users to consult the assist of their browser or to access the assistance websites of the principal browsers: Firefox, internet explorer, safari, chrome.

If you Desire to have more information of how to remove the consent or about rehabilitate the cookies, is well as getting information about the cookies policy, you can contact the titleholder trough the following email address indicating “Cookies Policy” on the subjet.

Types of cookies

The user browsing on the website can encounter cookies inserted by the titleholder, or cookies inserted by other entities, as detailed on the following section:

Owned cookies: are those cookies that are sent to the user’s device and managed only by us for the website operation. The information that we gather is use to better the quality of our service and your experience as a user.

Third parties Cookies: when the user interacts with he content of our website, Cookies of our website third parties cookies can also get established (as an example, when you click the social media buttons, while watching videos placed on other websites) by a domains different than our website. We can’t access to the data that have been stored on the cookies of other websites.

Browsing on this website allows the installation of the following two types of cookies:

Analytics, these cookies gather information of your browsing experience on our website in a complete anonymous way.